Become a member
UPDATE 4/9/2024
Our offer is for everyone, whether members or not.
Those who want to become member pay a yearly membership fee:
- individual membership: 50 EUR
- family membership "single parent": 50 EUR
- family membership:forpeople living in the same household; children living at a different place, but still being students, are covered as well)): 75 EUR
The advantage of membership is a discount on participation in various courses and workshops, reduced or free admission to lectures and participation in events reserved for members.
What's more, members are covered by SBE insurance, which is not the case for other participants. The Association's responsibility begins as soon as you enter the classroom.
1st subscription: full price
2nd subscription/person: discount of 50 EUR/Trimester
NEW! 3rd subscription/person: free
Those who want to sustain our work may acquire a supporting member card either by transferring 10 EUR to our account or in cash from one of our board members.
BCEE: IBAN LU59 0019 6055 6681 5000 BIC: BCEELULL
Payconiq: 661 214 784 (Lucia Geiben)